Annual Report

operational statement for 2022-2023 


Leadership Remarks

St. Pius X Shield

list of donors

This report lists donors and gifts received from July 1, 2022 to  June 30, 2023; dates considered as the School’s fiscal year.


St. Pius X Shield

dedicated Groups

St. Pius X Shield

named scholarships

These donors have chosen to support one or more students with tuition assistance at St. Pius X High School. Many of these sponsors meet their students and follow them through their academic journey at SPX and their careers beyond high school.

St. Pius X Shield

alumni giving

St. Pius X High School graduates are an integral part of the community. We are thankful to have the support of alumni in more than 60 classes who pave the way for every student that follows in their footsteps.

St. Pius X Shield

board of trustees


contact us

The Office of Advancement makes every effort to recognize all constituents for their generosity and committment. However, if any listing is inaccurate or incorrect, please accept our sincerest apologies and contact Jerry Yeager to revise the information immediately. We appreciate your dedication and support!


Every year, the list of benefactors grows with new friends who believe in the mission of St. Pius X High School and support the growth of our program. Therefore, this expanding list is now housed in a more dynamic and timely platform. This webpage is updated as data becomes available, allowing for more flexibility in reporting. 

St. Pius X Shield

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