Technology at SPX

Our Technology Office invests in tools to allow students to work when and where they need.

Supporting the New Tools of Education

We have come a long way from buying pencils, notebooks and binders as our school supplies. Students use personal devices and the Internet every day during the school year to write, research and share their results. The Technology Office at St. Pius X High School works to keep all students connected and productive through:

  • Supporting the campus BYOD program
  • Sustaining a robust wireless network
  • Managing a full set of computer labs

We understand students use different devices to accomplish different things. The Technology Office works to support them all.

Extending the School Yard

We also extend our classroom into student homes with the use of Microsoft Office 365 and our new online classrooms. Students have access to a campus email account, a download of desktop version of the MS Office suite and the important info from all their classes.

The IT Team

Wayne Cherry

Wayne Cherry

Titles: Faculty
Jonathan Nguyen

Jonathan Nguyen

Titles: IT Manager
Kenneth To

Kenneth To

Titles: Tech Support Coordinator

Technology at SPX

  Bring Your Own Device

  SPX Wireless