The St. Pius X Chorus introduces students to fundamental vocal skills and active music-making. They receive training in the Belle Canto style of music and learn to interpret music in styles ranging from the Baroque to Broadway.
The Campus Singers is the SPX show choir. These students perform more advanced music with a range of intricate harmonies and rhythms, including acapella singing.
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. – Psalm 96:1
The Chorus and Campus Singers have the opportunity for multiple public performances both on campus and off campus. The performances include:
- Christmas and Spring Concerts
- Liturgical music ministry
- Archdiocesan Concert Tours
Students represent the school in TAPPS competition in both the solo and ensemble categories. Our Concert Chorale, Treble Choir and Campus Singers hold multiple region and state titles.
For more information about Chorus, please contact Paul Jurick at